Dwight and I devoured one of these last weekend in two sittings. And that was while exercising restraint. I swear this stuff is laced with crack because I think I could have eaten until I threw up. It was bad. But SOOOOOO good. So good — and clearly addictive — that the next time we were at the grocery store, we picked up another carton.
Somehow it's managed to go untouched, but it keeps calling to me from the freezer. It's seductive minty-ness beckons, teasing me with chocolate chips then going in for the kill with chewy chocolaty bites of rich brownie.
Damn you Edy's! Damn you all to hell!
p.s. I checked the stats on this... poison, and it turns out there are 14 servings in a container. Chyeah, right. Try two—four MAX.