So I actually named this one. I don't think I've titled any of my pieces, mostly because I have no idea what to call them, but this just came to me so I went with it.
20" x 16" acrylic on canvas
Started 4/15/12; Finished 7/1/12
As with virtually all of my paintings, I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out, but I love it. It ended up even better than I'd hoped and I'm so pleased with the final results. I branched out a bit from my normal pallet, throwing some bold yellows and some red in the mix, not to mention going with a landscape orientation. Very much in a happy place with this piece.
Here are some detail shots. At the end, I have a short video showing the evolution of the piece. Enjoy!
Kelly I am in amazed at how the beginning looks like a mass, but in the end you transform it into such a masterpiece. Love you Life interpretation!