Sunday, April 14, 2013

It's Spring! Sort of.

I really hate to complain about the weather, but COME ON. I think we can all agree that this "spring" has been a bit of a let down. I suppose that once it finally warms up and stays warm I'll be all that much more appreciative. That's the silver lining I keep telling myself.

In the mean time, the flowers and trees are doing their best to make a go of it. The daffodils have been threatening to open for days, but they're still not quite ready.

041413 tulips

And what a difference a year makes, eh? Here's that same area on March 23, 2012.


Granted, last year was an anomaly in the opposite extreme - ridiculously warm very early then a destructive freeze. I'll take a slow going spring over that any day.

Just look at the comparisons from this year to last (4/14/13 vs 3/23/12).
041413 magnolia

magnolia bud

041413 hyacinth


We have quite a bit of clean up to do as well.

041413 Garden

041413 side of deck

It'll be beautiful once again... eventually!

(like this - from 5/20/11)


  1. What a difference!
    Yesterday was a glorious spring-day so we enjoyed sitting outside and planting some fruit! We moved into our new house after Christmas so we're still going to have to do a lot of planting if we want a garden like yours :)

  2. Hi Kelly

    I agree with you. We have very few buds and none are even considering opening anytime soon. It has been milder these last few days and I believe the weather in the South of England has been lovely over the weekend so there is hope. We had severe winds yesterday with pelting rain with a smattering of sunshine and my poor daffodils took a hammering. Sorry for rambling on :):):)


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