Sunday, March 9, 2014

Oh, hey look, it's snowing again.

This isn't another rant about how spectacularly long this winter has been. Seems pointless, right? So instead, let's look at some pictures of the admittedly pretty snow. I'm not thrilled it arrive, but it was very lovely as and just after it fell.

Sad rhododendrons :(

Here's the back yard. In order to get to our wood pile, you have to cross from the garage to the opposite corner of our lot. Twice this winter, I shoveled a path to it while Dwight powered through with wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of wood. It was pretty brutal. The funny thing, though, is that the outdoor critters, wild and domestic alike, used this trench as well. Deer, squirrels, and one of the neighborhood cats seemed especially grateful for the way to get around that didn't involve 12-20+ inches of snow!

But no complaining about all of this "winter bounty." Aside from there being nothing I can do about it, we're getting just that much closer to spring. Whew.

My mother, however took a far more humorous approach to the weather. She cleans our house usually once a week (I pay her, don't get the wrong idea) and she left this note for us on Friday.

I burst out laughing. My mom put my snowman ornament - my nod to winter "decorating" - in time out, turning him around and putting him in the corner. Awesome.

I come by my goofy sense of humor quite naturally.

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