I had the best time doing this.

I'm definitely putting "make sidewalk art" on my schedule this week, even if I have to do just a little bit at a time. I posted some images on my Facebook wall and got some comments about how it was to bad it was going to rain. To me, though, one of the best things about this kind of art is that it's temporary. Ephemeral. Imperfect.

It doesn't matter what it looks like because it will be gone eventually, usually sooner than later. This washed away less than 24 hours later, and I smiled as the rain came down. It doesn't matter. It just means I get to do it again!

I highly recommend getting a tub of sidewalk chalk and going to town. Embrace your inner 6-year-old. Don't worry about what it's "supposed to" look like and just have FUN! No judgement, no inner perfectionist whispering in your ear. Let it go! Make a mess. I'm pretty sure you're going to love it!

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