Monday, November 26, 2012

Daily Sketching – Doodles and Legs

Thursday, 11/22
I was in my art room working out some creative frustration with a canvas I made a year ago. Never much liked it and started to really hate it, so I did the right thing. Scraped all the crap off and gessoed the hell out of it, slapping down some paper and copies of drawings to cover up the mess and create a base for something I'll love. Ah... so much better. ANYway, after I cleaned up my hands and was ready to head back downstairs to check on some Thanksgiving preparations, I grabbed a piece of charcoal sitting on the table and drew on the paper I keep on the table to protect it. About 60 seconds worth of furious sketching. I love charcoal.

11-22 charcoal face

Friday, 11/23
More doodling. Figured I'd do an "L" since I already did the "K."

11-23 doodle L

Saturday (bonus doodle)
11-24 doodles

Saturday & Sunday, 11/24 & 11/25

I think I mentioned before that I'm taking Jane Davenport's I Heart Drawing workshop. I fell WAY behind in the class, but am still plugging away a bit at a time. I need to work on hands and feet more, but I watched the arms and legs lessons and put them to use. I did the ballet legs on Saturday (that's a little wrap skirt on her) and then went all out and did the 50s beach girl I attempted earlier. The "skinny" version was more of a winging it attempt. This was much more deliberate. And she has legs. *wolf whistle* She's definitely more proportion than the first girl.

11-24 legs

11-25 50s swim-2

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