Sunday, January 6, 2013

Actual email transcript between Dwight and me

I just looked up and saw that I typed this instead of "telephone" on a letterhead ...


Can I go home now?

You are amazing, are you sure that's not a real thing?

It SHOULD be. I'm going to make a shirt with that on it. And a drawing of whatever I decide a "tekeogibe" is.

It sounds high tech.

Wait! Maybe that's "telephone" in Romulan. Or Vulcan. Or some other equally nerdy language. Sorry, "language".

It sounds like something Miracle Max would say.

He distinctly said, "To blaaave" ...

You need to start answering our home phone, “Tekeogibe Industries”

1 comment:

  1. I am literally sitting here laughing out loud! You guys crack me up. :-D


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