Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hello hello hello!

Welcome to the new digs. Pretty nifty, eh? I'm still working on it, getting links reset (which will take approximately forever) and all that jazz. I figured if I waited until it was "perfect" this place would never see the light of day.

So here it is, warts and all. Holler if something isn't working like you think it should. I'll be tinkering around here for a while!

Oh, and Floyd wanted you to know that he helped.


  1. Hmmm, I use Flipboard as my Reader and the hyperlink on somethingshiny take me to a GoDaddy admin site. On my PC, the link works fine, so I guess its a quirky Flipboard thing.....

    1. Velly Intellesting. Hopefully that will get worked out soon. I wonder if it takes a while for newly launched blogs to work properly. Thanks for letting me know!

    2. Ok, figured it out since it did the same thing to me in feedly. Blogger took off the "www" so I added it back. Link should work now. Thanks again, Steph!

  2. Love the new site Kelly! The photos are always wonderful


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