Here's the latest painting I've finished. It's an 8" x 10" mixed media canvas using acrylics, tissue paper, Neocolor II crayons and Faber Castell big brush pitt pens.
As she was coming together, I realized that she was looking rather like.. Jennifer Lawrence. Do you think so? I think it's funny that the next movie comes out tomorrow—utter coincidence, I swear. I'm tempted to call this one "Katniss" but I'm not sure. What do you think? I also though it would be fun to show you where this canvas started.
Fortunately, I took random pictures along the way and I tucked a note into the back of the canvas once I realized I was having a hard time remembering what this originally looked like. Not surprising since I started it in February 2012. Seriously.

Take a look going from most recent to the beginning...

July 2013

July 2013

March 2013

December 2012

February 2012
Sometimes it takes me a LOOONG time to finish a painting!
Happy Hunger Games!
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