Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Yaer!


Yes, this is the banner I made for New Year's Eve using free printables from Love The Day which I found thanks to Tidy Mom. I was in a hurry and clearly wasn't paying close enough attention - I hadn't been drinking or anything! I was finished with it before I noticed. Being 1) pressed for time 2) lazy and 3) completely amused by the typo (a Kelly trademark move), I left it as is. It totally cracks me up.

I wish I'd taken a couple of minutes to take a picture of the decorated table (I took these pictures today). It looked really pretty, with all three of my white cake stands loaded with food, white Christmas lights snaked around the various plates and stands, and I was able to make use of many of my favorite glass dishes. It was just us and another couple, but I couldn't help myself and had to make it a bit special. I made far too much food, but that's pretty typical for me.

I hope all of you had a fun New Year's Eve. Here's to a fantastic 2011.



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