Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Celebrating Birthdays

On Sunday, we celebrated M's 9th birthday. It was a small, family affair as is the case with each of the girl's birthdays. Celebrating with friends is a separate occasion, so they can hang out with their friends and the rest of us don't have to. I kid. But not really.

I brought my new camera and used the girls for practice. There is bench in my sister's kitchen that sits in front of a sliding glass door. It was letting in lots of soft light, so I took advantage. I played around with my settings, trying to keep faces lit while not completely blowing out the window. Didn't always work...

I was fairly successful with some of my attempts, and K was a willing model.

(Man, I wish this kid would stop growing up so darn fast.)

M, on the other hand, quietly tolerated it, but clearly wasn't thrilled.

I'm still happy with the pictures—it's not always necessary to have a big smile for a good photo.

(Isn't she cute in her new glasses? Yeah, I think so too.)

C was her normal whirling dervish self and never sat still long enough for pictures. I did get one of her and K at their birthday celebration a month and a half ago. Their birthdays are a day apart, so the family gets together for both.

(Clearly this photo was taken with my point and shoot. Can I just tell you how much I'm loving my DSLR? So much!)


  1. Do K and C love having their birthdays just a day apart? I loved celebrating my day with my big sister, whose b-day is the day before mine.

    Happy birthday to those sweet nieces. :)


  2. I don't know if they love it, but they don't seem to mind. :) My dad's b-day is the same as C's, and I know he thinks that's pretty cool. I think C thinks so too.


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