Saturday, May 16, 2009

Looks like I'm feeding an army

I'm in the middle of dinner prep for just myself, Dwight and another couple and I appear to have made A LOT. Of course, how do you make "a little" lasagne? That's like making "a little chili" — not possible.

On the menu is the aforementioned lasagne, along with a mixed green salad, homemade bread with roasted garlic and tiramisu cupcakes. The bread is proofing, the cupcakes are baked, cooling on the counter, and the lasagne is in the oven. I'm cooking it a bit early, but I'll need the oven for the bread. Besides, I figured I'd mostly cook it now, let it sit a bit, flavors getting all meldy with each other, then pop it back in the oven for a few minutes to brown the cheese on top.

Here are some in-process shots:

My newest kitchen gadget—a scale. I've been wanting one for a long time and it's going to come in VERY handy with the BBA Challenge. This will ensure I'm measuring correctly AND that my loaves are of equal weight. No more guessing and having uneven loaves which means uneven baking times. Hooray!

Off to finish up. Man, does it smell good in here!

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