I wasn't sure what I was going to get my mom for Mother's Day. As is almost always the case with me, this holiday suddenly arrived much sooner than anticipated and caught me off guard. This despite the fact that I hung a calender right by my mirror so I would see it each morning and avoid such things. It was worth a shot.
Since time was becoming scarce, I decided to check out Amazon.com, my go-to place for just about all of my gift shopping. Jackpot! I found the CUTEST tea set and just had to get it. Had to. I decided to run with the tea theme and also picked up some tea and a book about tea. Well, about recipes for tea time.
The book, aptly titled Afternoon Tea by Savannah Blake, is small but full of wonderful sounding recipes. I flipped through it when it arrived and determined to make something from it for Mother's Day. I settled on the last recipe in the book. Since I no longer have the book in my possession, I don't recall the actual name, but it was a lemon cake and it sounded perfect.
I decided to mix it up a bit, as I'm wont to do, and determined that I would turn it into a layer cake with a raspberry center, garnished with fresh raspberries. I baked it in a small, round pan instead of the square one the recipe called for, hoping to slice it in half and stack. Unfortunately, the cake fell completely in the center once it started to cool. Darn.
But! Necessity is the mother of invention, so I decided to take a liability and turn it into an asset. I scratched the layer idea and decided to fill the center with the fresh raspberries and used the seedless jam, once destined for the filling, as a glaze. A quick zap in the microwave and it was thin enough to brush on with my silicone pastry brush. Lovely—and delicious!

The cake got raves. My mom loved it and was thrilled with the gifts. I'm hoping for an invitation to tea any day now.
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