I won't challenge you if you make the same claim about your dad.
Seems only right. :)
As has become the custom since joining the BBA Challenge, the weekends have become bread baking days. But I often bake more than just bread, mostly because I just like to bake, but sometimes because the occasion calls for it. Such was the case this past Sunday as it was Father's Day and my side of the family was gathering at my sister's house to celebrate with good food and good company.
No one mentioned bringing dessert, so I decided to whip up something and went the easy route. Cake mix. I remembered the simple chocolate cake my mom often makes, who in turn, got the recipe from her mom. It's so simple. Chocolate or Devil's Food cake topped with a handful or so of chocolate chips then sprinkled with both white and brown sugar. Incredibly simple yet so good. The chips add another dimension of chocolate and the sugars create a delightfully crunchy top, without any need for frosting.

It turns out that my mom, my sister and I all made dessert, so I had plenty of leftovers to bring to work the next morning. You would have thought I brought in a gourmet cake. I got so many complements, it was kind of embarrassing. I kept telling them, "It's just a store-brand cake mix with a couple of things sprinkled on top." "REALLY?" "Yes, really."

It struck me as I was preparing for Father's Day, baking challah and cake, taking numerous photos, that I was thinking not only of my dad, but also of my grandmothers, both of them. As I mentioned, the cake was my maternal grandmother's super simple, super delicious concoction. And the table cloth I chose to use in my photos reminded me of my paternal grandmother. I can't tell you why. I don't recall that she owned one like it, but it was something I thought of as I unfolded, ironed then spread it over the table.

I look a lot like my paternal grandma and I love to bake, something I fondly remember of my maternal grandma. (She made the best apple dumplings.) Isn't it funny how things like random objects and certain foods bring back memories, connect us with our past, even if we're not sure why or how? I don't really have a point, it was just something I found interesting as I was going about my day, memories of both grandmothers, floating in and floating out, recalled by the simplest things.

Father's Day passed quickly and happily. We got to spend time together and enjoy a nice summer evening. I hope all of the dads out there had a great Father's Day.

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