Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Gearing up

For those of you that have your &%#$ together, it will come as no surprise that today is New Year's Eve. I do not have my &%#$ together and am in scramble mode—kind of. I did manage to go to the store last night, so that's something, and I did get some things in order. You know, important things like mixing up two batches of sangria and making cupcakes and cake balls

Despite the fact that the end of the year somehow snuck up on me, I'm looking forward to tonight. Dwight and I discovered that if we host a party every year, we don't have to leave the house for New Year's Eve. We're sly like that. 

I also like to play hostess and use my fun party gear. It's all about the accessories, I tell ya. Last year, I used some of my bonus money  to buy party gadgets, things like a buffet warming tray thingy and a bunch of fun things from Crate and Barrel. Golly, I love that place. Naturally it was all online shopping because, if it weren't for the internet, Dwight and I would be naked, living in a mostly unfurnished home, with no televisions, DVD players, iPods or cookware. It would be cold, uncomfortable and BORING.

ANYway. I get to drag out all of this fun hostess stuff and play Martha Stewart for the evening. Or at least a less foo-foo, less organized, less "Martha" Martha Stewart. 

I'm sure I'll take oodles of pics tonight, and I did take some last night of preliminary preparations, so I'll have lots to share tomorrow. You know, in 2009. 


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