Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fall is Knocking

To paraphrase Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, "My! Seasons come and go so quickly here."

Just a week ago we were enjoying some unseasonably hot weather. Summer still seemed in full swing. But as often happens here, mother nature decided to pull back the curtain and reveal that, yes indeed, Dorothy—I mean, Kelly—summer is at an end.

It's not like it's suddenly 60 degrees and we're busting out jackets and sweaters. We're enjoying gorgeous weather. It's just that feeling, like a switch has flipped and things are changing.

Don't get me wrong—I love the fall. Cooler temps, opening the windows and abandoning the AC; the turning of the leaves and the glorious scents associated with it—spice, warmth, apples. But it's so painfully short. Summer might seem like it passes in the blink of an eye, but fall often does. It quickly gives way to the pall of winter—bare, cold, dark.

But let's not think about that right now. No sense borrowing trouble, as they say. For now, I'll relish the present and enjoy this changing of the guard.

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